22 November, 2005

Kells, Kells, Kells

The R Kelly Trapped in the Closet DVD came out this week and I have to try and find words to express how much watching this cinematic masterpiece changed my life.

Nothing compares in terms of sheer absurdity and addictiveness(is that even a word?)...He's a lunatic/genius and I can't wait for the next 20 parts...I figure since he has tons of cash he can ride this wave as long as he wants and not really have to worry about the financial reprocussions.

We're going to try and make T.I.T.C. like Rocky Horror Picture Show out here and play it in theatres and act out the parts...you know on some cult classic shit??

All i can say is go buy it...give it for a gift...invite people over to watch it....immerse yourself in the world of madness that The "R" has created for us. It don't get much better than that.

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