01 March, 2006


my arse is sleeping on telling the internet about my life...sorry to keep y'all waiting
here's a brief summary of the past 2 months since i've blogged for you with pics to illustrate

alife pumps came out at alife vancouver...i didn't get any as expected and now they sell for like a gnote
went to toronto twice
renovated the store
suffered through bitter cold to come out of retirement and paint freights w/ kwest...i'll probably give this event it's own post
beat fido and got an almost free new sidekick 2
had the cat shaved(that just happened today)
ate so many sick vegan desserts that wifey schemed up
unpacked so many rubberbanded sneakers from an unnammed source
got free dessert/appetizers at yuan
ate humble pie when i realized that french fries are actually great from mondo frites
lost my night at blizzarts to the peer pressure guys
met rory them finestally
hung with the mishka clan
bought a $650 jacket that ended up going for 150 US on ebay like 3 weeks ago
cried when i read about the last few years of j dillas life-R.I.P. you changed the way i look at hip-hop forever
had valentines/birthday dinner at my sister's house
got my calf raises on something serious...watch out bmx when it gets warm
and a shitload more but i'll just keep it moving

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