15 October, 2005

fuk that i'm born to roam until the end of this life

gotta give it up to da grassroots...that album although completely slept on contains some major songs that will stay having rotation for me

even their first single and stuff they did for ghetto concept in the early 90's was so dope

i wonder what they are doing now...i know nick murray is busy with LAL, but where's roger aka mr attic

i remember going to that dude's house in brampton and just losing my mind at the amount of vinyl he had in there..i bought several records off him just because they had breaks on them...but i still play those records and don't regret it at all

there was an insane ice storm and my boy eric(the whitest guy ever) was driving his mom's hyundai and i swore we were going to die on the way back...but then again going to brampton even without an ice storm can conjure up that emotion

it might actually NOT rain tomorrow. i'll probably go practice wallrides on this jersey barrier by papineau on my baby

i haven't spent enough time on that bike at all since I got it...sucks that winter is about to come and i'll be a complete fool by the time spring comes around and won't even be able to bunnyhop anymore

cereal is NOT dinner


muffhamed said...

i am also your baby

heraklit said...

See I can lose my car ...
I use that to explain my pupils what stoicism is
What a dope album - what happend to Conception records?
regards heraklit