27 October, 2005

You gonna give me a nice price. right?

OH yeah...definitely Mr. I just came in the store for the first time and have gay dress shoes on and a peacoat...I'll give you a great price...It's called retail plus tax.

There must have been a lot of bargaining about price when the sailors came and did their dirty business with the imported french whores, causing the residents of this city to have a genetic disposition towards feeling like they are owed a better deal than what the tag says.

I mean I'm against paying retail as much as the next guy but I try and earn my hookup by showing that i'm serious and will buy lots of shit from a store and support them...or just try and pitch a little tradesies.

Alist was just asking me if I did a lot of trading as a kid since I'm a wizard with stock shifting now....and I honestly had to say that I didn't really do any trading until I got into shoes...he replied that I missed out on a lot of good trading back in the days of our youth.

Speaking of shoes....sneaker pimps was super fresh and I have a shitload of pictures to upload once they're resized...stay tuned.

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